
Automating and Scripting for Engineers

Automating and Scripting for Engineers
300 USD
Programming For Engineers
9 Courses
244 Lessons in 42 Chapters
25 Hours & 24 Minutes
31 Lessons in 5 Chapters
3 Hours & 11 Minutes
0 Student in 0 Country
Mostafa Emad Engineering Software Developer
By the end of this module, participants will understand the fundamental concepts of automation and scripting, including the basics of scripting languages such as Python, Bash, and PowerShell. They will be able to write and execute scripts to automate repetitive tasks, process and manipulate data, and interact with engineering software and APIs. Additionally, they will apply scripting techniques to optimize workflows, improve efficiency, and enhance problem-solving in engineering applications.
Course Curriculum
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01-01 - Introduction to Automation
01-02 - Scripting Vs Programming
01-03 - Use Cases for Engineering Automation
02-01 - Automating File Operations : Reading
02-02 - Automating File Operations : Writing
02-03 - Automating File Operations : Modifying
03-01 - Automating Creating and formatting reports in Excel
03-02 - Automating Reports Reading Excel Sheets
03-03 - Automating Reports Writing Excel Sheets
03-04 - Automating Reports Modifying Excel Sheets
03-05 - Formatting Cells, Rows, and columns dynamically
03-06 - Automating Report Layouts : Merging and splitting cells
03-07 - Automating Report Layouts : Applying formulas and functions
04-01 - Introduction to PDF Report
04-02 - Overview of "reportlab" for PDF creation
04-03 - Setting up a basic PDF document
04-04 - Adding Text
04-05 - Adding Tables
04-06 - Adding Images ,
04-07 - Formatting Text with Custom Fonts and Styles
04-08 - Embedding images and charts into PDF reports
04-09 - Handling multi-page documents
04-10 - Adding headers, footers, and page numbers dynamically
04-11 - Automating PDF generation for daily/weekly/monthly reports
05-01 - Setting up email automation using "smtplib"
05-02 - Attaching Excel and PDF reports to emails
05-03 - Schedule Reports Sending
05-04 - Google Sheets Integration
05-05 - Automate Cloud Storage Uploads
05-06 - Automate Data Sharing with Cloud API
05-07 - Scheduling and Automating Report Generation