
Engineering Computation with NumPy

Engineering Computation with NumPy
300 USD
Programming For Engineers
9 Courses
244 Lessons in 42 Chapters
25 Hours & 24 Minutes
34 Lessons in 5 Chapters
3 Hours & 36 Minutes
0 Student in 0 Country
Mostafa Emad Engineering Software Developer
By the end of this module, participants will understand the fundamental concepts of numerical computing using NumPy, including array creation, manipulation, and indexing. They will be able to perform mathematical operations, apply vectorized computations for efficiency, and utilize built-in functions for data analysis. Additionally, they will recognize NumPy’s role in engineering computations and its applications in solving real-world engineering problems.
Course Curriculum
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01-01 - Introduction to Computational Engineering
01-02 - Computational Engineering Applications
01-03 - Computational Modeling
01-04 - Why Using Python for Computational Engineering
02-01 - Creating and Initializing Arrays : 1D
02-02 - Creating and Initializing Arrays : 2D
02-03 - Creating and Initializing Arrays : Multi-dimensional arrays
02-04 - Working with NumPy : arrange
02-05 - Working with NumPy : Zeros
02-06 - Working with NumPy : Ones
02-07 - Working with NumPy : linespace
02-08 - Working with NumPy : Random
02-09 - Accessing and Manipulating Array Elements : Indexing and Slicing
02-10 - Accessing and Manipulating Array Elements : iteration
02-11 - Accessing and Manipulating Array Elements : Modifying Values
02-12 - Flattening and Transposing arrays
03-01 - Basic Arithmetic and Vectorized Operations : Addition
03-02 - Basic Arithmetic and Vectorized Operations : Subtraction
03-03 - Basic Arithmetic and Vectorized Operations : Multiplication
03-04 - Basic Arithmetic and Vectorized Operations : Division
03-05 - Applying mathematical functions : Sin()
03-06 - Applying mathematical functions : cosin()
03-07 - Applying mathematical functions : log()
03-08 - Applying mathematical functions : exp()
03-09 - Linear Algebra for Engineers : Matrix Operations
03-10 - Linear Algebra for Engineers : dot products
03-11 - Linear Algebra for Engineers : Matrix Multiplication
03-12 - Linear Algebra for Engineers : Computing determinants
03-13 - Linear Algebra for Engineers : inverses
03-14 - Linear Algebra for Engineers : eigenvalues
04-01 - Solving systems of linear equations
04-02 - Least squares fitting
04-03 - Polynomial fitting
04-04 - root finding
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