
Function and Data Structure

Function and Data Structure
300 USD
Programming For Engineers
9 Courses
244 Lessons in 42 Chapters
25 Hours & 24 Minutes
21 Lessons in 5 Chapters
1 Hours & 38 Minutes
0 Student in 0 Country
Mostafa Emad Engineering Software Developer
By the end of this module, participants will understand the principles of functions and data structures in Python, including defining and calling functions, using parameters and return values, and implementing recursion. They will be able to work with essential data structures such as lists, tuples, dictionaries, and sets to store and manipulate data efficiently. Additionally, they will apply these concepts to solve engineering problems and optimize data handling in Python applications.
Course Curriculum
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01-01 - What is Data Structure
01-02 - Common Data Structures in Python
01-03 - Applications of Data Structures
02-01 - Creating, Accessing, and Modifying Lists.
02-02 - List Operation , Append
02-03 - List Operation , Insert
02-04 - List Operation , Remove
02-05 - List Operation , Remove
02-06 - List Operation , Pop
02-07 - List Operation , Extend
03-01 - Defining and Accessing Tuples.
03-02 - Differences between Lists and Tuples.
03-03 - Tuples Vs List - (Tuple Immutable Nature)
04-01 - Creating Dictionaries
04-02 - Accessing key-value pairs.
04-03 - Dictionary methods (e.g., .keys, .values, .items).
04-04 - List Vs Tuples Vs Dictionaries
05-01 - working with Sets in Python
05-02 - Set Operation , Union
05-03 - Set Operation , Intersection
05-04 - Set Operation , Difference