
Introduction to Machine Learning for Engineers

Introduction to Machine Learning for Engineers
300 USD
Programming For Engineers
9 Courses
244 Lessons in 42 Chapters
25 Hours & 24 Minutes
29 Lessons in 5 Chapters
3 Hours & 43 Minutes
0 Student in 0 Country
Mostafa Emad Engineering Software Developer
By the end of this module, participants will understand the fundamental concepts of machine learning, including supervised and unsupervised learning techniques. They will be able to implement machine learning models using Python, preprocess and analyze engineering data, and apply algorithms for classification, regression, and clustering. Additionally, they will recognize machine learning’s role in engineering applications and its potential for solving Simple problems.
Course Curriculum
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01-01 - Introduction to Artificial Intelligence
01-02 - What is Machine Learning
01-03 - Machine Learning Application for Engineering
01-04 - Types of Machine Learning , Supervised , Unsupervised , Reinforcement Learning
02-01 - Sources of engineering data (sensors, logs, simulations, real-world measurements)
02-02 - Structured vs. unstructured data
02-03 - Working with Engineering Datasets
02-04 - Handling missing values and duplicates
02-05 - Data Normalization and Standardization
02-06 - Encoding Categorical Variables for ML models
03-01 - What is Regression,
03-02 - Linear regression for predictive Analytics
03-03 - Polynomial Regression
03-04 - Classification Techniques for Engineering Problems
03-05 - Logistic Regression
03-06 - Decision Trees and Random Forests
03-07 - Evaluating Supervised Learning Models : Performance metrics: MSE, RMSE, R² for regression
03-08 - Evaluating Supervised Learning Models : Accuracy, precision, recall, and F1-score for classification
03-09 - Evaluating Supervised Learning Models : Overfitting and Underfitting
04-01 - What is unsupervised learning?
04-02 - Applications of clustering in engineering (fault detection, material classification)
04-03 - Understanding K-Means clustering algorithm
04-04 - Hierarchical Clustering for Engineering Datasets
05-01 - What is Neural Network
05-02 - How do neurons and layers work
05-03 - Applications of Deep Learning in Engineering
05-04 - Setting up a basic neural network
05-05 - Training and Evaluation
05-06 - Perform Prediction with ANN