
introduction to Programming using Python

introduction to Programming using Python
300 USD
Programming For Engineers
9 Courses
244 Lessons in 42 Chapters
25 Hours & 24 Minutes
32 Lessons in 5 Chapters
3 Hours & 20 Minutes
0 Student in 0 Country
Mostafa Emad Engineering Software Developer
By the end of this module, participants will understand the fundamental concepts of Python, including its syntax, basic data types, and variables. They will be able to write and execute simple Python scripts in an interactive environment, use basic input and output functions for user interaction, and apply arithmetic and logical operations to manipulate data. Additionally, they will recognize Python’s role in engineering applications and problem-solving.
Course Curriculum
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01-01 - Introduction to Programming
01-02 - Type of Applications
01-03 - What is Programming Languages
01-04 - Programming languages and Algorithms
01-05 - Introduction to Python
01-06 - Coding Environments
01-07 - Install Pycharm
01-08 - Installing Anaconda
01-09 - Installing jupyter
02-01 - Variables in Pythons
02-02 - Handling User Inputs
02-03 - Data Types and python and Type Conversion
02-04 - Python Operators
02-05 - Arithmetic Operators
02-06 - Logical Operators
03-01 - Working with Lists
03-02 - Working with Tuples
03-03 - Working with Sets
03-04 - working with Dictionaries
04-01 - introduction to Control Statements
04-02 - If Statement
04-03 - if-else Statement
04-04 - if-elif-else Statement
04-05 - for Loop
04-06 - while Loop
04-07 - break Statement
04-08 - continue Statement
04-09 - Pass Statement
05-01 - introudction to Functions
05-02 - Type of Functions
05-03 - Functions Parameters and Arguments
05-04 - What is Python Modules