
Introduction to Unity and Augmented Reality

Introduction to Unity and Augmented Reality
250 USD 160 USD
Architectural BIM Diploma
25 Courses
596 Lessons in 101 Chapters
92 Hours & 15 Minutes
21 Lessons in 1 Chapters
1 Hours & 6 Minutes
2647 Students in 24 Countries
Hesham Gamal Gafaar AEC Technologist
Course Curriculum
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01-01 - Welcome
01-02 - Introduction
01-03 - AR-VR-MR-XR
01-04 - Unity Installation
01-05 - Unity Project
01-06 - Main Camera - Lighting
01-07 - GameObject - Basic Interactions
01-08 - GameObject - Parent & Child
01-09 - What is Vuforia
01-10 - Vuforia Registration
01-11 - Vuforia License key
01-12 - Vuforia Camera
01-13 - Markerless - Ground Plane
01-14 - Markerless - Import Asset
01-15 - Build APK
01-16 - Android SDK
01-17 - Marker Scene
01-18 - Marker Scene - Import Prefab
01-19 - Revit2Unity Workflow
01-20 - Project
01-21 - Thanks