
Object Oriented Programming

Object Oriented Programming
400 USD
VR / AR Application Development
15 Courses
506 Lessons in 61 Chapters
66 Hours & 30 Minutes
60 Lessons in 6 Chapters
8 Hours & 20 Minutes
0 Student in 0 Country
Mostafa Emad Engineering Software Developer
Course Curriculum
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01-01 - Welcome to OOP
01-02 - What is Class
01-03 - Declare a Class
01-04 - Declaring Class Demo
01-05 - Declaring Class Demo
01-06 - Class Members
01-07 - Class Member Demo
01-08 - Constructor
01-09 - Constructor Demo
01-10 - Constructor Overloading
01-11 - Constructor Overloading Demo
01-12 - Constructor Chaining
01-13 - Constructor Chaining Demo
01-14 - Object Initializer
01-15 - Object Initializer Demo
01-16 - List
01-17 - List - Add Demo
01-18 - List - AddRange Demo
01-19 - List - Remove Items
01-20 - List - Contains Items
02-01 - Encapsulation
02-02 - Method Signature
02-03 - Method OverLoading
02-04 - Method OverLoading Demo
02-05 - Params
02-06 - Params Demo
02-07 - Pass By value Vs Pass By Reference
02-08 - pass By Value Vs pass By Reference Demo
03-01 - Access Modiefers
03-02 - Access Modifier Demo
03-03 - Fields
03-04 - Fields Demo
03-05 - ReadOnly Fields
03-06 - Readonly Fields Demo
03-07 - Properties
03-08 - Properties Demo
03-09 - Application Demo
04-01 - Classes Association
04-02 - Composition
04-03 - Composition Demo
04-04 - Composition Application
04-05 - Inheritance
04-06 - Inheritance Demo
05-01 - Access Modifier
05-02 - Access modifier Demo
05-03 - Constructors and Inheritance
05-04 - Constructor and Inheritance Demo
05-05 - UpCasting Vs DownCasting
05-06 - Upcasting Vs DownCasting Demo
05-07 - Boxing Vs Unboxing
05-08 - Boxing Vs Unboxing Demo
05-09 - Classes Coupling
05-10 - object Class
06-01 - Method overriding
06-02 - Method Overridng Demo
06-03 - Abstract Class
06-04 - abstract Class Demo
06-05 - Interface
06-06 - Interface Demo
06-07 - Multible Interface Demo