
Object Oriented Programming Using Python

Object Oriented Programming Using Python
300 USD
Programming For Engineers
9 Courses
244 Lessons in 42 Chapters
25 Hours & 24 Minutes
19 Lessons in 5 Chapters
1 Hours & 47 Minutes
0 Student in 0 Country
Mostafa Emad Engineering Software Developer
By the end of this module, participants will understand the fundamental principles of Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) in Python, including classes, objects, inheritance, polymorphism, encapsulation, and abstraction. They will be able to design and implement Python programs using OOP concepts, create reusable and modular code, and apply best practices for structuring and organizing projects. Additionally, they will recognize the significance of OOP in engineering applications and problem-solving.
Course Curriculum
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01-01 - What is Object Oriented Programming
01-02 - Object Oriented Programming in Python
01-03 - Understanding Classes and Objects
01-04 - Creating classes and objects in Python
01-05 - Instance variables and methods
02-01 - Accessing Objects
02-02 - Class Methods Vs Instances Methods
02-03 - Class Methods and Static Methods
02-04 - Working with Attributes
03-01 - Introduction to Inheritance
03-02 - Methods Inheritance
03-03 - Method overriding
03-04 - Types of Inheritance
04-01 - Introduction to Encapsulation
04-02 - Access specifiers: public, protected, and private
04-03 - Getters and Setters
05-01 - What is Polymorphism
05-02 - Methods Overloading
05-03 - Types of polymorphism (method overloading and overriding)