
UI Development with Python

UI Development with Python
300 USD
Programming For Engineers
9 Courses
244 Lessons in 42 Chapters
25 Hours & 24 Minutes
27 Lessons in 3 Chapters
2 Hours & 46 Minutes
0 Student in 0 Country
Mostafa Emad Engineering Software Developer
By the end of this module, participants will understand the fundamentals of User Interface (UI) development with Python, including designing interactive and user-friendly interfaces using libraries such as Tkinter or PyQt. They will be able to create functional GUI applications, handle user inputs, and implement event-driven programming. Additionally, they will apply these concepts to develop engineering-focused applications with intuitive and efficient user interfaces.
Course Curriculum
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01-01 - What is a Graphical User Interface
01-02 - GUI vs. Command-Line Interface (CLI) applications
01-03 - Overview of Python GUI libraries (Tkinter, PyQt, PySide)
02-01 - What is Tkinter
02-02 - Working with Labels
02-03 - Working with Button
02-04 - Working with Text
02-05 - Configuring Widgets "Size , Font , Color"
02-06 - Handling user input with Entry and Text fields
02-07 - Binding functions to button clicks
02-08 - Working with Layout Managers
02-09 - Adding images and icons to the UI
03-01 - Introduction to PyQt and PySide
03-02 - Setting up PyQt/PySide in Python
03-03 - Working with Qt Designer (Drag-and-Drop UI Design)
03-04 - PyQt widgets: Buttons,
03-05 - PyQt widgets: Labels
03-06 - PyQt widgets: lineEdits,
03-07 - PyQt widgets: TextEdits,
03-08 - Handling user input and signals
03-09 - Using layout managers: VBox,
03-10 - Using layout managers: HBox,
03-11 - Using layout managers: GridLayout,
03-12 - Using layout managers: FormLayout,
03-13 - File dialogs,
03-14 - Message Boxes
03-15 - Input dialogs